In Loving Memory of Darryl J. Lampien Sr. 12.11.1957 - 7.29.2006
Darryl and his "Low Rider" Harley...
Darryl James Lampien Sr., 48, died July 29, 2006, at his home. He was born in Oconomowoc, Wis., and lived in Stuart for 12 years; coming from Jonesboro, Ga. Survivors include his wife of 26 years, Laurie Jeffords Lampien; daughter, Jamie Lampien of Fort Lauderdale; sons, Darryl James Lampien Jr. of Orlando and Daniel Lampien of Stuart; sisters, Sharon Scott of Cumberland, R.I., and Lorna Stangel of Menomonee Falls, Wis.; and brother, Glenn Lampien of Jasper, Ga. He was preceded in death by his parents, Richard and Sadie Lampien; and brother, Richard Lampien. Services will be at 5 p.m. Aug. 5 at First Baptist Church of Stuart. Arrangements are by All County Funeral Home & Crematory, Stuart.
Daniels last day with his dad
Tuesday, July 25, 2006 5:34pm
The Last Good Day
This is a hard day to swallow. It is the last time that I will spend time with my father. I got home from school and took him to the mall. We walked around for about an hour, just looking at this and that. At 4:30 we saw "Superman Returns". Was a good movie. After that we went to hurricane bar and grill for some wings. Just got home and we are going to play some SCIII. It seems that he was really excited about today, and has been smiling the entire time. I'm glad that I could bring him some happiness. I hold back my tears to be strong for him. I may seem cold or distant... but really I'm just holding back the fact that I’m scared shitless. I really do love my father, and I do not resent him. I do regret not spending more time with him, but I'm spending what I can now with him. Saying farewell is always hard, no matter the reason, no matter the person. But the fight is at its end, and the victor is going home to his family in the sky. I salute the brave warrior. I will stand proud in his living memory. I Love You Father. Darryl James Lampien, Sr.
Daniel Lampien
Forever in our Hearts 07/29/06 6:31am
The fight is finally over, the battle has been won, and the Brave Warrior has gone home triumphant. He’s in the greatest kingdom of all now. Rejoicing and praising God. He’s with his family, and Johann (Darryl's dog) is there too. Both of them have new bodies now. We all loved him so much, and we were by his side to say goodbye when the time came. As we see him off, we will only remember the good times and all the love he had for us. All that knew him, loved him. We will miss him. He will always be looking down on us from his star, watching over us and making sure we're doing ok.
I salute the Brave Warrior
One last time
He’s fought his battle
And now he’s home
He gave us what we needed
And loved us so
I will never forget him
His memories will live on Forever
One day we will all be together again
We will all rejoice and sing
In God's mighty glory
I'm glad to see my father finally got his wings
Love Daniel
6:31 AM - 7/29/06
There is a new star in the night sky
Our daddy went home tonight and we cry
He stayed here as long as he could
Even though we did not want him to go away
He was tired and he was sick
He fought the greatest fight, the fight for life
But no medicine could make it right
The fight wore him down so much
But he still loved us a whole bunch
He’s sad to be leaving, we’re sad to see him go
He’s going home to be with God
Shining, happy and whole
He’ll get a new body, one that won’t hurt
He’ll be praising God and singing out loud
We didn’t lose him, because we know where he went
He’s at the greatest family reunion, one that’s heaven sent
He’s with his mom and dad once more
All of us left here will miss him so much
We’ll try not to mourn, try not to cry
Perhaps he’ll look down on us, every once in a while
Just to make sure we’re all still ok
I hope heaven is like a beautiful picture, like the bible tells
Because he’s going to be busy with his paints and pastels
He had a vision of what this world could be…
But he believed in God’s plans, that’s how it should be
He wants us to carry on and find happiness too
And we’ll try our best, but we’ll miss him so much
The space he left vacant will never be filled
And only time will help us know, it ok to feel
As we say our final goodbyes, it hard to believe
But we have our memories to see us through
And every night we can see the sky and know
That’s his star up there shining brightly down on us
He’s really gone and not coming back
But we’ll all hold each other tight and try not to look back.
We Love You Daddy,
Jamie, D.J. and Daniel
July 2006
(The kids got together at Christmas and had a star named after Darryl. It is located in Sagittarius (of course). We have the coordinates if you want them. Laurie
In Loving Memory...
Current mood: indescribable
I grew up in a small residential neighborhood called Fisherman's Cove, and in that simple collection of duplexes, four friends met for the first time: DJ, Shawn, Matt, and Mike, and created an unbreakable bond that's lasted for 10 years. Over the following months after their encounter, they were able to meet and befriend their families. Out of the many parents I've met and got along with all these years, there was a dad, a friend, a kind-hearted man who never had a negative thing to say about anyone or anything, (as far as I know haha) and his name was Darryl James Lampien Sr. He was a Dad and a Hero to his three amazing children. Jamie, DJ, and last but never least, Dan. Over the years this man faced hardships that should've broken his spirit, or crushed his hope, but he never gave up, never quit, and he fought harder than I can say I would have. No matter how much love and support surrounded him, problems kept arising. Finally, after years of fighting and struggling, he made a choice. This choice was his alone to make, and for everyone to accept. So we did. I had the opportunity to spend these last two days with the most amazing family I have ever met. Their love and support for one another is unparalleled. I had the privilege to be with him and his family for his last few hours of life, with which he still used to make us laugh and smile. One of the kindest men I've known, left this world for a better one this morning; Saturday, July 29, 2006. Darryl James Lampien, Sr, you will be missed and always loved, but you've left something in this world that you can be proud of, three amazing children who I have the honor of being friends with today. This last part is from me to you... It was my pleasure to ride with you. I've never seen someone with so much courage. I watched as you put on your "RIDE HARD" gloves, helmet and just before you mounted that beautiful Harley of yours, I watched as you put your oxygen tank in your saddle bags and I just thought to myself, "Holy Shit... this man is my hero", and you still are. Thank you for that last ride, I will never forget it. You will now spend eternity with no pain, no struggling.. and in that, I'm happy. I envy you Darryl... Now you get to ride forever towards a sun that never sets. Ride long and Ride Hard, I'll be there one day to join you. I love you
This was written by one of the kids friends who grew up in the neighborhood and was always at our house. He's my adopted son born by another Mother. His name is Michael Ryan James, he turned out really good too!!! LOL
We, the Darryl J. Lampien Sr. Family would like to give our utmost thanks for all the help, comfort and prayers that have been extended to us in our time of sorrow and need. Things are getting better and we can only hope that one day we will be able to return the favor to all that have helped us.
Laurie, Jamie, D.J. and Daniel Lampien